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Living in Harmony with the Five Elements – Sleep restfully
258 - 2019

Living in Harmony with the Five Elements – Sleep restfully

The Five Elements harmony in living space is an expression for the interference of heaven and earth, a place to protect people. Depending on the level of care of the owner, the five elements will be arranged appropriately in different positions.

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Useful tips to help you sleep better
238 - 2019

Useful tips to help you sleep better

Complicated social relationships with a pressured working environment make it hard for you to find a good night's sleep. Increasingly, more and more people have insomnia and need sleeping pills to make it easier to sleep.

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The story about the sleep of Eastern and Western people
218 - 2019

The story about the sleep of Eastern and Western people

Although known as a continent with a high level of development with dizzying urban life, a convergence of leading economies, but the number of sleeping hours of Europeans is much higher than that of Asian people. Why, during this overwhelming urban lifestyle, Europeans can maintain enough amount of quality sleep hours? What is the cause of this discrepancy?

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Why do we get nightmares?
198 - 2019

Why do we get nightmares?

If you've ever woken up with your heart pounding and your teeth on edge after a particularly frightening or negative dream is an unwanted experience. If you know the cause of these nightmares, you can say goodbye to them.

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Take a nap! The secret that'll make you happier and smarter
178 - 2019

Take a nap! The secret that'll make you happier and smarter

A short nap can help you improve your mood, maintain happiness, and increase productivity. Although it is not possible to completely replace the main sleep every night, only a few dozen minutes short naps is enough for you to recover health and mental quite a lot.

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Fulfill your filial piety on the Yulan festival
158 - 2019

Fulfill your filial piety on the Yulan festival

I will never take for granted How greatly I've been blessed

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3 Important Feng Shui Tips for Your Home
138 - 2019

3 Important Feng Shui Tips for Your Home

A home with good feng shui not only helps you to be favorable in your work, good luck in your life but also indirectly maintain your financial resources and keep your health stable. To create good feng shui for accommodation, homeowners need to pay attention to the following points.

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3 safe storage tricks for homeowners
118 - 2019

3 safe storage tricks for homeowners

No one would wish the thieves to visit their families, but if a thief is accidentally passing by, then proactively creating secret hidden spaces will help you protect personal property and make the thieves disappointed about leaving empty-handed.

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How Much Is Your Health Worth to You?
98 - 2019

How Much Is Your Health Worth to You?

Healthy people have thousands of dreams; people without health, their only desire is to become healthy. The life of a person depends on their health, but the health of each person is determined by their way of life.

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Feng shui taboos for the bedroom
78 - 2019

Feng shui taboos for the bedroom

Feng shui living space, especially the bedroom, has a significant influence on the health and xinxing of the owner in the house. A feng shui bedroom not only brings prosperity, a fortune for homeowners but also makes your life happier. On the contrary, if you violate the taboo, homeowner life may face many uncertainties.

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Japan Minimalists: A new way of life
58 - 2019

Japan Minimalists: A new way of life

The value of yourself cannot be measured by the assets you own, the more you shop, the more time and energy you will spend, when you realize this, it's time you become a minimalism person.

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How to placing your bed for good feng shui?
38 - 2019

How to placing your bed for good feng shui?

If you follow feng shui tradition, then you know that the position of your bed is a common challenge. The bedroom is considered one of the most critical rooms in the house. It is a place that should promote a harmonious flow of nourishing, vibrant, and sensual energy. When it comes to your bedroom in feng shui, there are a few no-nos. Do not align the bed with the door, do not have a mirror face the bed, and do not place the bed under a window or near a bathroom door. According to experts, for a good feng shui bedroom and a positive energy source for homeowners, we can use the following simple feng shui know-how.

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August sunshine
18 - 2019

August sunshine

August, the sunlight shines through the window, Saigon's weather is much more pleasant than in March. The sound of the cicadas on the phoenix tree gradually faded, another summer is passing by, left with the dreams of youth, joy, the sadness of someone behind.

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Three great uses of aloe vera for women
307 - 2019

Three great uses of aloe vera for women

Aloe vera is a succulent plant originates from the Arabian Peninsula but grows wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. It is found in many consumer products including beverages, skin lotion, cosmetics, or ointments for minor burns and sunburns. There is scientific evidence for the effectiveness or safety of Aloe vera extract as a cosmetic or medicine.

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